Union Street Link

The Union Street Link project was undertaken for George Municipality and consisted of two
separate but related elements. The first element was a proposed north-south crossing under the
existing George-Mossel Bay railway line in the vicinity of Union Street and Rand Road and the
second was an east-west extension of Hope Street – in order to link it from the existing intersection
of Trunk Road 2/9 (R102) with York Street to its intersection with Union Street. The project was
implemented in three phases.

The first phase involved the construction of a traffic roundabout at the intersection of York Street /
Trunk Road 2/9 (R102) / Hope Street. It included the rehabilitation and upgrading of the pavement
structures of approximately 400m of the existing Hope Street.

The second phase of the Union Street Link project was to create the connection between
the western and eastern portions of Hope Street. This involved the construction of some
1.2 km of new road. The southern section of Union Street was also re-aligned and re-
graded to intersect with Hope St at the future ‘underpass level.

The final phase of the Union Street Link project was the construction of the north-south crossing
under the existing George-Mossel Bay Railway line which was done by means of new bridge
structures. The roads Rand St and Ring Rd on the southern side of railway line had to be re-
aligned and re-graded to the future underpass level.