Install new pumps in new pump bay (2 x road for ULP, 2 x road for 500ppm diesel and 2 x Road for Diesel
50, 2000l/min each).
Install new discharge piping from new pump bay to new road gantry for each product.
Install new loading equipment (2 x bays only) in the new road gantry.
Install new Ø250 suction nozzles on the existing tanks when they become available.
Relocate existing additive injection connections to new pumpbay. Including new additive piping to the gantry.
Remove existing road loading piping equipment in existing gantry on completion of new road gantry.
Install new road returns pumps (1x diesel and 1x ULP at 800 l/min each) with associated piping and
equipment including filter units for the 50ppm and 500ppm products.
Protection of product piping and equipment i.e. wrapping.
New fire and product pipe supports from new pumpbay to new road gantry area.
Posted in Petrochemical