Tank Removals

Kantey & Templer conduct contamination assessments at sites during the removal of underground storage tanks, which were utilised for the storage of fuel or solvents. K&T determine whether any residual contamination may be present as a result of fuel storage on site.

The site investigation generally consists of the following scope of work:

  • Site and area Walkover: An interview is conducted with the tank removal contractor and site manager to determine if there is a history of contamination at the site.
  • Site Assessment: A site map is drawn, infrastructure inspected and photographs taken.
  • Soil samples are collected from the stockpile material as well as at the base and sidewalls of the excavation for headspace testing.
  • Soil samples are subsequently submitted to an accredited laboratory for analyses of compounds of concern.

A Contamination Assessment Report is thereafter compiled based on the desktop study, field observations and laboratory test results.

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